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Combat Squads and Reserves

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Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby BANE » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:06 pm

Need to get a feel for how people play this as it effects the new list I am building.

So if I combat squad a 10 man marine unit into 2 5 man squads and deploy them on the board, does it count as 1 or 2 units when working out the 50% rule for what I can place in reserve?
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby markb » Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:22 pm

I would have thought that they would count as two as once you combat squad them they are treated as separate units for scoring etc.
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby killmaimburn » Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:30 pm

Oh gods.. the earth quakes with one of the classic monster debates rising from its grave.. (not your bad al)
"when the unit is deployed they choose" (smurfs Gk combat squads) vs "when deploying their armies" (reserves p124)
I haven't scanned the faqs, but we had a massive 7 pager here previously2010 (to do with guard blobbing from reserve in the end)


Basically the argument goes, you have GW lazy terminology.You have deployment, as in you and I set up models ready to play a game.. and you have deployment a unit arrives from reserves mid game.

If guard can choose to walk on turn 3 as a blob up(because they don't blob in reserves).. then that has occured after the table setup version of deployment (when you work out reserves)....However. that is a 2 year old argument and there must be something in 6th ed or the faqs to do with it.

Just thought I'd point and then let someone else do the brainpower bit.
(You lot do worry an awful lot about this 50% thing, I don't think its a factor round here at all)
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby BANE » Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:12 pm

I am trying to do a Dante sang guard list so need to balance what I have on the board with what I can get into reserve. Since dante and preist + sang guard unit = 3 units in reserve that means I need at least 2 on the board just for this one squad. The more points I have to spend on units just to balance deployed vs reserve is less points on sang guard, so combat squads counting as one each would really help.

TBH its my biggest gripe with 6th, the reserve lists were damaged enough by the no models on table = auto lose roll, the 50% thing is really needed.
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby Darklighter » Tue Jan 29, 2013 4:41 pm

I'd say no. As if it's the other way around it's counted as one squad in reserve, that can then be split up on deployment. It just wouldn't make sense to not work the same the other way around.
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby timewizard » Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:15 pm

From the last SM codex, this is Errata.

Space Marine FAQ wrote:ERRATA
Page 51 – Combat Squads.
Replace with the following wording:
“A ten-man unit with this special rule can break down into two
five-man units, called combat squads.
You must decide which units are splitting into combat squads,
and which models go into each combat squad, immediately
before deployment. A unit split into combat squads therefore is
now two separate units for all game purposes including
calculating the total number of units in the army, and the
number of units you can place in reserve.
Then proceed with
deployment as normal. Note that two combat squads split from
the same unit can embark in the same transport vehicle,
providing its transport capacity allows.
Once you have decided whether or not to split a unit into
combat squads, it must remain that way for the entire battle. It
cannot split up or join back together later on in the battle, nor
can you use a redeployment to split up a unit or join it back

{emphasis mine}
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby BANE » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:03 pm

Totally missed that in the FAQ, odd as i was so pleased with the 2 combat squads can travel in same ded transport part.

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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby timewizard » Tue Jan 29, 2013 8:33 pm

My pleasure!
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby killmaimburn » Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:13 pm

Timely timewizard is timely returning to rules forum. :clock
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby ruffian4 » Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:00 pm

I have spent the last five minutes staring at the screen trying to tell if that sand was really running out.
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Re: Combat Squads and Reserves

Postby timewizard » Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:07 pm

Five minutes indeed.

You didn't wait nearly long enough!

It's an hour-glass! :D
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