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Combat squads / bike squads

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Combat squads / bike squads

Postby timewizard » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:40 pm

Saw on another site someone had mentioned splitting bike squads into combat squads.
A read through the SM codex brings up the question of how?
In order to combat squad, you take a 10-man and break it down into two 5-man squads (page 51 codex SM)
Bike squads have the combat squad special rule (page 140 codex SM)
Basic composition is 1 sergeant and 2 bikers = 3 models.
May include up to 5 additional bikers = 8 models
May add 1 HB armed attack bike to the squadron = 9 models.

So how do you get to the 10 models required for combat squads?
Am I missing something?
Thanks for looking
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Re: Combat squads / bike squads

Postby PaddyF » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:57 pm

The attack bike counts as two.
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Re: Combat squads / bike squads

Postby killmaimburn » Tue Apr 20, 2010 1:57 pm

timewizard wrote:So how do you get to the 10 models required for combat squads?
Am I missing something?
yes the box on page 68 on how to combat squad bikes
PaddyF wrote:The attack bike counts as two.
- For combat squading.. but after much argument (me trying to eek advantage) it doesn't count as 2 for the captain on bike taking as troops qualifier)
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Re: Combat squads / bike squads

Postby timewizard » Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:02 pm

Thanks all. My error.
Looked at the summary page not the full page.
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