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Witch Hunters - does anyone have a second printing?

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Witch Hunters - does anyone have a second printing?

Postby Spack » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:19 am

Does anyone here have the second printing of the WH codex? If so, can you check if Karamazov has a twin-linked multi-melta, and WS 5?
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Re: Witch Hunters - does anyone have a second printing?

Postby LordMalekTheRedKnight » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:45 am

Spack wrote:Does anyone here have the second printing of the WH codex?

im not sure what printing mine is, although i didnt buy it when it first came out.

Spack wrote:If so, can you check if Karamazov has a twin-linked multi-melta, and WS 5?

mine lists him as WS 4 and without Twin-linking. however, it says he has a Gun Servitor, which is a Warrior Henchman so would add +1WS (dont know why his WS isnt listed as 4(5) like his BS & I...), and that his Lexmechanic counts as 2 Sages, so he gets to reroll 1 shot a turn, which would make Twin-linking his (1-shot) MM redundant anyway. :P

hope that helps :)

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Postby Culven » Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:51 pm

It sounds like the second printing did add the bonuses for the other things to his stats and rules. I think it is better than saying that he has a Warrior and two Sages, since this would also lead to the questions "Does that mean that he benefits from the Henchmen's special rules AND has the Sages' las pistols to shoot with as well?"
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Postby Spack » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:23 pm

It's related to this: http://warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2687347

See, if the second edition has the MM as twin linked, that covers why it doesn't mention the re-roll for the Sages, and it might also have the WS as 4(5) for the Gun Servitor. As I don't have access to a second printing to check I can't verify is the reference to the MM being twin-linked in post #10.
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Postby LordMalekTheRedKnight » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:44 pm

well with the "no rerolling a reroll" rule, the end result is the same either way, right?

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Postby jlong05 » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:45 pm

Checked my copy(Unknown of its printing though as it doesn't say - I assume it is first) and his stats do not say Twin-linked and he has a WS of 4.
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Postby Culven » Tue Jun 10, 2008 4:10 pm

Typically, a second or subsequent printing will state "Second Printing" on the first page along with the author, copyright, etc. information.
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Postby HOBO » Tue Jun 10, 2008 10:53 pm

Culven wrote:Typically, a second or subsequent printing will state "Second Printing" on the first page along with the author, copyright, etc. information.

I looked up Spack's query in my book as I onlt bought the book like 3 years ago, but it doesn't have "second Printing" on it, and the stats are the same as Lord Malek stated.

I would have thought my Codex would be the newer one, but aw well.
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