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My Malifaux Gremlins

6.45pm Monday - Downley community centre, School close, Downley HP13 5TR

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My Malifaux Gremlins

Postby DaBoss » Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:31 pm

Had a good bit of spare time between painting my FoW Russians and my Sons of Horus 30K, thought I'd get my Malifaux Gremlins done before I take hold of 2 Imperial Knights next weekend.

Took a number of photos - so decided to put them in a PDF doc than post them individually.

Looking forward to taking Ophelia LaCroix Crew out for a game.
Sorry about the lighting - need to build myself a light box.

Malifaux - Gremlins.pdf
Malifaux Gremlins
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Re: My Malifaux Gremlins

Postby timewizard » Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:03 pm

Those look great Phil!

So how come you don't enter into the painting competition?

And here's a link to a tutorial on how to build a homemade light box.

I made a version of it for myself, it's not at all difficult and the results are well worth it.
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