var title = 'Age of Strife Ogregut\'s Blog Feed';
var url = '';
var site_url = '';
var site_desc = 'Warhammer 40K and related news';
var time = 'Mon, 10 Feb 2025 03:25:27 +0000';
var data = new Array();
data[0] = new Array();
data[0]['title'] = 'Building the Carnival';
data[0]['url'] = '';
data[0]['url'] = '';
data[0]['username'] = 'Ogregut';
data[0]['blog_id'] = '96';
data[0]['blog_message'] = 'For this years winter Throne of Skulls Im planning to take Dark Eldar again but not a regular DE army but a Carnival of Flesh.
So I thought I would use the blog feature on the site and put up my progress of the army.
So far I have painted
Urien Rakarth

3 Wracks

1 Grotesque

2 Talos

[ Continued ]';
data[0]['blog_time'] = 'Tue, 08 May 2012 19:25:06 +0100';