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S.O.T.D Round 2 Round up and News

Permanent Linkby Stryder on Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:33 pm

SM- "Good evening Dreadball fans tonight we have the final match of Round 2, The Cleveland Bay Buccaneers against the Iron Dreads and the league table as it stands so far. As ever I will be joined by my...ahem...good friend Alan Grotson and tonight we are also joined by Lucky Logan a human star, who has been watching this season with great interest so far"

AG- "Good Evening Snot and good evening to our guest Lucky Logan"

LL- "Thanks for having me guys..." Phone rings "...Oh excuse me fellas that's my agent calling...You've reached Logan it's your lucky day"

Snot and Alan look at each other in slight disbelief

SM- "Well we'll catch up with Logan later on but now tonight's game The Cleveland Bay Buccaneers Vs the Iron Dreads"

AG- "Both teams are looking strong after their opening games, but for varying different reasons"

SM- "Thats right Alan. The...

[ Continued ]

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S.O.T.D Round 2

Permanent Linkby Stryder on Sun Jul 28, 2013 5:56 pm

SM- "Good evening sports fans and welcome to Slam of the Day. I am, as ever, your host, Snot Motson, and, as always, I'm joined by my colleague Alan Grotson"

AG- "Good evening Snot. Well Dreadball fans we have a fantastic line up of games tonight, including what had to be the closest game in the, albeit early stages, league so far"

SM- "Thats right Alan, while their wasn't the same amount of drama, there was plenty of action. And we begin with Scrapyard Dodgers against the Bad Moons"

AG- "The Dodgers were eager to bounce back from a landslide loss at the hands of the Iron Dreads previously, and they rushed hard and fast taking the advantage of concentration the Bad Moons pushing them deep into their own half and even seriously injuring two of the sleepy Jacks out of the game"

SM- "As sports broadcasters we cannot take sides in this sport, but those dirty rotten PILES OF JUNK SHOULD BE PUNISHED"

AG- "Snot! calm down"

SM- "Ahem...anyway...

[ Continued ]

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S.O.T.D Round 1 Round up

Permanent Linkby Stryder on Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:29 pm

SM- "Good evening sports fans welcome to a special extended edition of Slam of the Day with the final two matches from round 1, as always I am joined by my green skinned compatriot Alan Grotson"

AG- "Thanks Snot, it has been a manic couple of weeks with controversy, old habits and ,of course, slams and strikes"

SM- "Thats right and tonight we begin with the the Cleveland Bay Buccaneers against the Dovah Kings"

AG- "This match had the hype of a final as both teams had come off some extreme pre-season friendlies with the Dovah Kings showing why that even though they are women, don't think they are weak"

SM- "And the Buccaneers having one of the highest body kill count of any team in Dreadball history. The match started with the Kings.."

AG- "Why are they called the Dovah Kings if they are a currently an all female team?"

SM- "Don't know you can ask them when you interview them for their round 3 game"

AG- "Erm...."...

[ Continued ]
Last edited by Stryder on Sat Jul 27, 2013 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Slam of the Day with Snot Motson and Alan Grotson

Permanent Linkby Stryder on Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:02 am

This is just a work in progress open to feedback to give a colourful commentary to the League
SM- "Good evening Dreadball fans welcome to Slam of the Day the only program that brings you all the details from the Dreadball League I'm your host Snot Motson and with me as always is Alan Grotson"

AG- "Great to be here Snot, well Slamfans today was the first two matches of the latest Dreadball League, 'Dreadball Raiders', and today we had the Scrapyard Dodgers vs the Iron Dreads

SM- "That's right, many fans were expecting this to be a quick paced game and many of the actions certainly surprised the players, as well as the fans. The Iron Dreads took a quick 4 point strike lead and then the ball seemed to have a mind of its own including a mistimed strike that ended up back in the hands of the striker who threw it in the first place"

AG- "That's...

[ Continued ]

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S.O.T.D Round 2 Round up and News
   Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:33 pm

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