Just started on the next batch of Horus Heresy model build.
That's 2 Spartan Tanks, Primarchs Fulgrim and Ferrus Manus drying out from there soak in water to remove any residual mould lubricant.
While waiting on the first parts of the Spartan hulls to set before adding the track units, decided to go ahead and build the two Primarchs.
Fulgrim and his brother Ferrus Manus
Fulgrims acenic base makes for a very big model, but can now see why when together with Ferrus on the full scenic diorama makes sense (not built that yet - probably will when I start painting)
Looks like I will collect every Primarch model from Forgeworld - just such great sculpts and has having just got to 'Vulkan Lives', love seeing their different characters.
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