Age of Strife

Author:  timewizard [ Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:24 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Necrons

Recently my Necron player and opponent gave up the game for good. That's the bad news.
But he gave me his Necron Army. That's the good news.
But the necrons were mostly unprimed, not painted at all, and needed to have some parts added to them, specifically the ends of the warriors gauss weaponns.

So I finished the construction, primed them black, and then gave them a 'quick and dirty' drybrush of Vallejo Hammered Copper.
Here's how they came out so far.

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Author:  timewizard [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 5:29 pm ]
Blog Subject:  Musings from the Time Wizard

Well, this here blog thing seems to be working fine.
You all seemed to have had a great time at WHW.
KMB did a bang up job taking pictures and putting up a couple of batreps.
Are there reports in the offing?

Time zone: Europe/London

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