You MAY want to jump right in to this next Modeling Contest! But be warned, it’ll be a real monster! No freewheeling allowed here, but this competition could be your vehicle to fame and fortune! (Well, at least to fame!) So without further ado, or my bad puns, here we go!
Vehicle or Monster (Or a combination!)large truck.jpg
Each contestant must submit a photo of an unopened box, unassembled model or unpainted model or submit a drawing or photo describing the project into the “Building Competition” thread by
May the 15th. Primed only models are acceptable but completely unprimed models are preferred. Direct casts or re-casts of any copyrighted material will result in the post being deleted and the poster being disqualified for that month’s contest.
A list will be posted by one of the moderators in this post listing all eligible contestants for the month's competition. No entries will be accepted or can be changed after the
15th of May. No exceptions.
During the month, wip photos can be put into the thread, and in fact are encouraged, but may not be placed in the competition gallery.
All completed entries must be submitted by the
28th of May and must posted in the competition gallery and no entries will be accepted after midnight GMT on that date. Only one entry per person will be permitted and the entry must consist of a single image. Multiple photos on the image are allowable but if more than one photo is uploaded to the gallery by any one entrant at any time, that entrant will be disqualified.
If an entrant has not completed their project by the deadline, they may still enter an incomplete entry if desired, but it will of course be judged as such. The only requirement is to post the entry by the deadline. The members of the site have the final word after all!
Voting will be held from just after midnight
May 28th until midnight GMT on May 30th. At that time voting will be closed and the winners will be announced.
Every registered member of the site may vote. The total number of votes each member may cast will depend on the number of entrants as follows;
Up to 5 entries - 1 vote per registered member
6 to 10 entries - 2 votes per registered member
More than 10 entries - 3 votes per registered member
You can change your vote(s) until the poll is closed. No poll results will be revealed (even to the moderators) until the poll has closed.
For this month, entries must be either vehicles or monsters. Of course, if you want to scratchbuild or cobble together a monsterous vehicle, like the one pictured, feel free! The monster/vehicle can be from any game system in use (40K, BA, FoW, etc.) it could be a model from a movie or TV series (Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, etc.) a military model (tank, AFV, jeep or ship) or it could just be something you want to build to test yourself and put on a shelf. The choices are wide open here. The usual requirements of something NIB, unpainted or just barely primed still apply. For example, I have an old DE raider kit that is primed and has some other colors applied, I’d have to strip off everything but the primer to enter it. (Not that I am, just an example!
Entry open until May 15th
Contest closes Midnight May 28thONE entry per person
We look forward to seeing your entries! Good luck to all the entrants.
ENTRANTS SO FAR:Talus - USS Excelsior NCC 2000
Cain - PHR Hades type 4 walker from Dropzone Commander
Anglewing - Tyranid haruspex
Darklighter - Tau Tiger shark AX-1-0
_stu_ - Epic Imperator Titan
Socaddict - Warmachine Khador Black Ivan Warjack
Timewizard - Dark Eldar Ravager
KInG - Dropzone Commander PHR Army Battle Group
Herne - Vauls Arbiter Wraithknight
superfrog - hell hound
{To see the line up for future contests, click
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