Hi, everyone!
Oh sweet Lord. The project that we want to share this week is one of these you really enjoy because there are many miniatures that you know are likely you won’t paint again in your lifetime. Our customer is a Blood Angels collector since the army was released back in the 90’s. He has practically all Blood Angels models that have ever existed from both Games Workshop and Forge World. Step by step he is expanding his existing collection and painting all his models.
For this batch he decided to choose plenty of Forge World miniatures. There are several units of Crimson Paladins, a Dawnbreaker Cohort, some Praetors in different power armors, a Leviathan Dreadnought, the first captain Raldoron, an Incaendius class Contemptor Dreadnought and of course… Sanguinius, the Primarch of the Blood Angels! Pity he could not get the diorama base. Everything was painted at our level 2/5 and 3/5 following the classic Blood Angels scheme of colors and matching the basing theme of his existing army. We also completed the models with some really nice power weapon effects and some Blood Angels decals from the Forge World transfer sheet. Only Sanguinius was painted at our General standard (5/5). Such an amazing figure really deserves this level.
How do you find the army folks? We hope you like it as much as we enjoyed painting it!

Full gallery here:
https://www.whiteweaselstudio.com/en/po ... -raldoron/