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Warhammer Historical: Trafalger

Warhammer Historicals Trafalgar Naval game

Warhammer Historical: Trafalger

Postby WolflordHavoc » Mon Jun 22, 2009 2:44 pm

Well I have had 2 very good games so far using this system

Played Scenario 1

HMS Dreadnaught (1st rate - is a 2nd rate but we got it wrong!) , HMS Indefetagable (3rd rate razee)


Mont Blanc and Formindable (3rd rates) and the Hermione (5th rate)

British Victory

One 3rd Rate Razee Captured by the French

One 3rd Rate and a 5th Rate sunk by the British

Played scenario 3 - capture, cripple or sink the Falgship (French as the attackers).

British - HMS Victory (1st rate + Flagship) HMS Dreadnaught (2nd rate), HMS Indefetagable (3rd rate Razee)

French - Three 3rd rates (including the Baucentaur) and two 5th rates

Early mast destroyed results on the Victory followed by a rudder destroyed result ended up with the ship running aground - resulting in allowing 2 French 3rd Rates to gang up and cripple her winning the game for the French Republic.

One French 3rd rate was crippled early on and a 5th rate was later Boarded by the gallent HMS Indefatagble and taken as a prize - but it was not enough for the Royal navy.

Has anyone else played this excellent game yet?
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Postby mattjgilbert » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:13 am

K!nG and friends have been playing this a lot it sounds like. He is busy building his house extension right now (WHW NE it's called) so doesn't post much at the moment. Taumaul might chip in with tales of their games though. Not sure who else has tried it.

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Postby KInG » Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:10 pm

love the game, as a result i haven't played 40k in 2 months. this might not seem alot to some, but when u know i played 40k 2x a week before, it is.

i will post more picks of my ships later, but for now, i can tell you this game has got me hooked :D glad to hear you guys like it too, so maybe somewhere down the line we can get a game together at WHW. or maybe WHW NE when that is finished. ;)
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Postby WolflordHavoc » Tue Jun 23, 2009 6:40 pm

Yep Paul and I are doing Fridays toast on Wednesday night

"A willing foe and sea room"

I suggested the 'Chase' scenario - who knows we might even get the rules right LOL

We had been playing the weather gauge inititive incorrectly.

We were moving the ships with the weather gauge first etc rather than those ships with teh weather gauge able to react to those ships 'upwind' by moving later!!! Which now Paul has pointed it out to me make perfect sense.

Ahem never mind!!
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Postby conscriptboris » Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:08 pm

So is there any cardboard cut outs as such on the web of these ships?

I have found this: http://www.juniorgeneral.org/load.php?Period=3


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Postby estarriol » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:16 pm

From the ships in the example above would I be right in thinking that its a points list based system?

And is it based on other GW product or is it a totally new set of rules?

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Postby conscriptboris » Wed Jun 24, 2009 11:49 am

estarriol wrote:From the ships in the example above would I be right in thinking that its a points list based system?

Yep, its a points system, depending on the "rate" of the ship, ie 1st (best) 2nd, 3rd etc

U have points, and the armys are nations, Great Britain, Spain, France, Portugal, Holland, USA (although the have V little) etc
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Postby mattjgilbert » Wed Jun 24, 2009 12:35 pm

I should be watching my first game of this tonight. I'm looking forward to it.
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Postby WolflordHavoc » Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:28 pm

No Pressure then Matt?

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Postby OWCriminal » Wed Jun 24, 2009 1:36 pm

Great game and a really nice set of rules. Got my second game in with KiNG when he was down this way for the ASMoH tournament.

I have to say that I was horribly hung over :roll: from the Saturday night and my ship got blown outof the water....I remember "Fires", rudder jamming then a large explosion.....or was that just me! :oops:

Good game all the same, much better to start with only 3 or 4 ships each in a game....until you master them of course, then Trafalgar!!!
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Postby KInG » Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:21 am

Wow the criminal made another post, lol, 6 now in as many years is that ;)

welcome back Mark.

as promised here's my lastest creation: HMS Victory.

now we have our own forum, i think i'll start a project log ;)


the rules are very hole'y, ie; there's much to get wrong, there is a new FAQ though that helps much : Trafalgar FAQ, but some stuff still needs house ruling. We have been through the recent magazine house rule article and the faq and house ruled the best of them and added some of our own. So any questions, just post another thread and you can benifit from our extensive research ;)
Last edited by KInG on Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby WolflordHavoc » Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:20 pm

1 of the things that struck me is moving ships into each others way in such a fashion that it forces an enemy ship to make an undesirable turn or a freindly vessel to make a more desirable turn.

Paul and I have come to a gentlemans agreement - in that we will attempt to 'not' make such manouvers unless they are unavoidable (i.e. not enough movement, rudder jams etc).

No wonder fleets fought in lines LOL

Also I was struck by how easily ships catch fire - consider that they have crews for whom 'fire' is their number one enemy and even the most useless landsman would know that a fire would have to be tackled ASAP. Its not like there would have been a lack of water to put out any fire!!!

How about this for a house rule: Any crit that creates a fire in the ship immediately triggers a command check - if successful the fire is put out if not the ship is on fire as normal.

Boxhauling! I have on several occasions moved my ship and turned into the wind and carried out a Boxhauling manouver. My opponent was concerned that this was a bit 'gamey' as I had used all of my movement before the Boxhauling manouver.

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Postby estarriol » Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:24 pm

Hmmm, ships of the period catching fire or exploding was a rare event, hence the shock about L'Orient at the Nile.

This was because the ships decks were wetted before action and sand was dumped on them to aid grip and also to snuff out sparks.

One of the reasons so many ships fittings were brass was that unlike copper it doesn't make sparks either by bashing or by electrostatic charge.

The powder room where the bulk powder was stored also was designed to be easily floodable without sinking the ship.

In this period fire is really only a risk when ships were firing at extremely close range where wadding and burning powder could be carried from one ship to another, at the longer ranges the ammunition would reach but it was all iron therefore it didn't carry fire.

Of course facing land based artillery is different, they can heat their shot and burn you to the waterline...

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Postby Thaiss » Fri Jun 26, 2009 4:54 pm

Boxhauling! I have on several occasions moved my ship and turned into the wind and carried out a Boxhauling manouver. My opponent was concerned that this was a bit 'gamey' as I had used all of my movement before the Boxhauling manouver.


Yes Jon I believe it is a bit 'gamey'. as you have finished your movement (made your last turn into the wind), in any other manoeuvre you would have to move another 2cms before making another turn, which you can't do into the wind. So you've turned on the spot for free facing away from the wind (after completing your command check).

Another point I want to raise is inertia, would you have it after such a manoeuvre being made? As you used all your movement in the last turn to aim directly into the wind (taken aback)??
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Postby KInG » Fri Jun 26, 2009 5:05 pm

Fire isn't a big issue in the game. If u put ur crew on it u can't fire for a turn, but it goes out auto next turn and adds +1 to ur roll for that turn too. We haven't found the need to do anymore with this rule.

Boxhauling at the end of ur turn or at the start. One plays to you a little maybes, the other could be considered to be to ur oppoenent?

It's a great manouvre, and can completely catch your opponent wrong footed. When its attempted and failed though, the opponent never seems to mind. ;) (although u can still try and tack if failed to boxhail ;) )

Not big enough issues to worry about I personaly think. As for applying inertia in the next turn after boxhauling... why not, boxhauling never means you come to a complete stop, ur still moving the entire time, it might just seem like it in the game.
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