Thank you for the comments guys

And yes my Wife is very pleased with them
Ljundhammer wrote:I like your logs, can we have a tutorial?
As promised, I've put together a couple more for a tute. I was going to add this to the tutorial section, but it seems I don't have the right permissions for that. So here it be..
I found that mixing Milliput with Green Stuff is better than using either separately. It doesnt have to be an exact science, but I usually try to mix about a 50/50 mix. I mix the 2 parts of the milliput, then the 2 parts of green stuff together. Then I mix the green stuff and milliput together. The mix gains some of the Green Stuffs stability with the milliputs sculptability.

On to the Fallen Log.

1) I used a short section of of 3/8 plastic tube, cutting notches into the end. I also slightly flattened it.
2,3) Use a little of the mix to fix the tube into place.
4) Using the curved end of the sculpting tool, I put a layer of putty mix over the whole outside of the tube and a little inside the ends.
5) Using the pointy end of the tool, roughly but not deeply score the putty mix mimicking tree bark. At the ends, pull the blade past the ends. this gives a more natural look to the bark.
(6) When it sets, I lightly scrape a blade over the putty scraping off any debrit/lumps.
The Tree Stump.

1) Put a round lump of the mix on the base with a flat top.
2) Using the pointy end, lightly score vertically around the edge of the putty. Remember to pull the blade past the end of stump to give the bark a natural look.
3) Using the curved end of the tool, smooth the top of the putty. Be careful not to flatten the edges though.
4) Using the pointy end again, lightly score a few circular lines in the top of the stump and a few cracks going to the center of the lump.
5) Let the putty set hard. Once set, mix some more and put several small blobs around the edges (how ever many routes you want).
6) Shape and then score the routes using the same technique as the scoring on the main stump and log.
(7) Again once set, use the flat edge of a blade to scrape off any unwanted lumps/debris.

1) I used an Army Painter Desert Yellow primer, But that is up to you. The base colour is Citadel Rhinox Hide.
2) Then a liberal dry brush of Citadel Zandri Dust was applied. At this stage, paint the top of the stump with Citadel Ushabti Bone.
3) And then a liberal wash of Citadel Agrax Earthshade
4) At this stage you can add what ever model grasses/shrubbery you wish.
I hope this helps. Comments and Criticisms welcome.