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Stats and signature tank list and WN8 issue

Stats and signature tank list and WN8 issue

Postby Spack » Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:05 pm

Just noticed that there was an issue with EU and SEA stats and signature images not listing vehicles or calculating WN8, this was due to a temporary error in the Wargaming API system on the 3rd Feb and the tank encyclopaedia files for those two regions being incorrectly overwritten with an error message. The Age of Strife stats and signatures code that stores this data has been modified to better handle error responses and to use an older file for listing tanks when this occurs (the encyclopaedia files are updated once a week to reduce requests to the Wargaming API system).

Sorry for any inconvenience caused, I hadn't noticed there was an issue until today as I haven't personally played World of Tanks since August 2018 as I've been playing War Thunder Air Arcade and Destiny 2. I do try to check that the stats system is working at least once a week, but if anyone ever notices an issue please post a new topic in this forum so I get a notification and I'll take a look at soon as I can.

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Re: Stats and signature tank list and WN8 issue

Postby jlong05 » Fri Feb 08, 2019 10:47 pm

Always fixing it. Well done Spack
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Re: Stats and signature tank list and WN8 issue

Postby Spack » Fri Feb 08, 2019 11:56 pm

I'll always try to keep on top of things, even though there's very little activity here any more.

I see your WN8 has gone up over 1500, nicely done. I could never get above the mid 1300s.
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