Admin note: this was originally posted during 4th edition, but has been reposted as most of the counters are still useful in 5th editionHaving seen a couple of other ‘home-brew’ counters sets for
40K over the years, I liked the idea but not the end results that I’d seen elsewhere. I wanted something that looked good and was also easy to read. So I created this set with those goals in mind.
Care and feeding of your 40K CountersTools:
Coated Printer Paper
Card stock (I use the cardstock from
GW minis Boxes)
Glue stick / Rubber Cement / Spray Adhesive
Contact Paper a.k.a. “sticky backed plastic”
I’ve designed these counters to be printed at 600 dpi (dots per inch) resolution, preferably on coated paper for the best results. You could use the glossy photo paper, but it’s more expensive and not really necessary. (If you’re one of those lucky people that have access to a good printer that can print directly on card stock, then you can skip down to ‘protecting your counters’.) Once you’ve printed out the counters, the next step is to glue them to a sturdy piece of card stock. In my case I used the nice card stock that
GW miniatures come in, i.e. the outer boxes that say a squad of Cadians, or a brood of Gaunts comes in. (After all, the costs of the fancy printing and color images on the packaging were passed along to you – you might as well get some use out of it since you paid for it.) I simply cut the box along one edge and unfolded it to lay flat so I could use the larger flat sections to glue the printed counters onto. I then cut my counter sheet in half and trimmed a bit off the edges as needed so that each section would fit on one of the large card sections. Once I was sure of my fit, I glued my counters to the card. As for glue, I used 3M’s ‘Super 77’ – basically spray on rubber cement in a can – but any sort of rubber cement, or glue stick that doesn’t soak the paper and cause the ink on the counters to run would work just fine. The next step once the glue is dry, and *BEFORE* you start cutting out individual counters, is to cover and protect the face of the counters so they aren’t easily ruined. I used what’s called ‘Contact Paper’ or ‘Shelf Paper’ in the States (apparently it's called "sticky backed plastic" to you folks in the UK) – which is basically transparent plastic/vinyl with an adhesive backing. Once I had covered an entire section of counters with contact paper, I then cut out the individual counters and they’re good to go. As long as you don’t soak them in liquid (not that gamers would spill their beverages while gaming…) they should stand up to wear and tear nicely and be good for a lot of games.
Feel free to distribute the
40K Counters set - please just include the readme file. These counters are NOT to be included in 'for profit' works.
I hope these are useful to you,
Special Thanks go out to: Spack of for kindly hosting the Counters, and to all the posters who contribute to the RGMW usenet news group. RGMW's FAQ and articles at Res counters (ZIP format)High Res counters (RAR format)Sample ImagesClick on each preview image for a larger low-res sample (do not use these samples for printing, download the high-res versions from one of the links above):