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(Baragash's Hobby Blog (painting, modelling and gaming updates)


Events: Salute 2011

Permanent Linkby Baragash on Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:21 pm

So I'll be off to Salute 2011 on Saturday 16th April. Going to be catching up with Mantic, Forgeworld and KR and a few other stands whilst I'm there.

And whilst I'm there I'll be picking up the following that I just ordered for collection:

3 of these...
...to use in the mega campaign I'm planning later in the year.

This dude...
...for my Astral Claws/Tyrant's Legion

This dude...
...for nostalgia (for now?) ;)

Tags: CampaignsEventsAstral ClawsTyrant's LegionChaos Space MarinesChaos DaemonsChaos Dwarfs
Last edited by Baragash on Wed Apr 06, 2011 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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