Now need to start planning what to take to Reading Warfare.
Would still like to consider taking the Mixed Tankovy Batalon, being Fearless Conscripts can be hard being hit on 2+ as I found when shot at by German FlaK36 guns.
But then really worked in my last 2 games as I had too many tanks for my opponents to kill.
What did not really work was the Razvedki Platoon in only the last game of 'Free For All' did they do any damage and that was from the Passenger fired MG's.
Considering dropping them for more Rocket Launchers with extra crew, would mean firing like 16 guns for a 12" by 12" template which I can re-roll to hit with (found the 4+ being Trained a bit hit or miss).
So my new list would look like:
205pts Combat - T-26 Tankovy Company (10 x T-26S)
605pts Combat - Medium Tankovy Company (10 x T-34)
620pts Combat - Heavy Tankovy Company (6 x KV-1e)
275pts Support - Guards Rocket Mortar Launcher (8 x Katyusha with extra crew)
Leaves me 45pts
Could add Warrior - Mariya Oktyabrskaya for 25pts
She can be added to any Medium Tankovy Company of T-34's and has three special rules:
Vengeance - Pass motivation on 2+
For the Motherland - Pass Skill test on 2+
Fighting Girlfriend - Does not reduce ROF for moving; but still affected by 'Hen & Chicks'
Otherwise looking to remove a T-26S to add a 7th KV-1e
What should I do?