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Warhammer 40k: Campaign

Permanent Linkby Baragash on Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:22 pm

So in the summer, myself and Phil hope to play a system-wide campaign.

We'll be running a single planet campaign around Easter just to see how it works.

Anyway, it'll combine:

And of course the normal 40k rules. The plan is to have 5 planets, each consisting of 7 tiles (ie 1 central tile and 6 surrounding tiles), and also run the standard fleet-based campaign rules for BFG.

In an old White Dwarf article, it suggested that to assault a planet a player would attack using BFG's Planetary Assault scenario and the amount of assault points they scored would determine the size of the army they landed. At the moment I'm thinking of saying for each X assault points scored, the player can attempt to capture Y tiles on the planet.

Depending on scenery etc we will probably try to incorporate...

...as options for game scenarios.

Tags: PlanetstrikeBattle MissionsPlanetary EmpiresCampaigns
Last edited by Baragash on Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Warhammer 40k: Campaign

Permanent Linkby timewizard on Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:20 pm

This will be epic! (No pun intended) You could use the planetstrike book for the invasion then use the battle missions for control of the planet. Winner take everything! Then pull your forces off the planet and call for a nice gentle exterminatus!
I would hope they'll be some batreps coming along with this campaign?!
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Re: Warhammer 40k: Campaign

Permanent Linkby Baragash on Thu Mar 17, 2011 11:00 pm

timewizard wrote:This will be epic! (No pun intended)

Liar :P :wink:

timewizard wrote:You could use the planetstrike book for the invasion then use the battle missions for control of the planet. Winner take everything! Then pull your forces off the planet and call for a nice gentle exterminatus! I would hope they'll be some batreps coming along with this campaign?!

Planetstrike depends on having appropriate scenery and on whether we like it or not, having not tried it yet ;)

I'm batrepping "everything" this year (I hope!) so you should see updates regularly. :)
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Re: Warhammer 40k: Campaign

Permanent Linkby conscriptboris on Sun Apr 03, 2011 1:19 pm

ive always thought about running something like this in Gibraltar! however elements like battlefleet gothic are a forgotton art in our club, something i wish to re-learn!

if you end up with a running/rules pack by the time you finish I would be interested in a copy!

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Re: Warhammer 40k: Campaign

Permanent Linkby Baragash on Mon Apr 04, 2011 9:59 am

BFG is relatively cheap to get into by GW standards.

Well I don't think we'll be using too many additional rules at the moment. BFG has great campaign rules for maintaining fleets and controlling systems.

Planetary Empire rules are nice and simple (I just want something that works, not too interested in depth).

The questions at the moment are:
a) how to pick scenarios for games
b) converting BFG Planetary Assaults into feet on the ground (IIRC BFG makes a suggestion on this)
c) whether to use Homebrew Codices

I think we will treat each planet as a mini-campaign in itself, so a turn will involve 1-2 BFG games, plus 1-2 40k/AI games per planet and take a few weeks to resolve.

But I will be blogging everything, so you will see it :)
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