While I like the concept of the Dreadknight, and at first I didn't mind the terminator harnessed on the front, I've slowly realised that I don't like the terminator or the exposed exo-skeleton pistons on the arms. I also wanted to adjust the position of the legs so that it doesn't look quite so static. Today I found myself with a bit of spare time and decided to have a crack at it.
The legs were built pretty much as stock, although the front armour above the toe was left off (this will be used on the thighs to help fill in the gaps left by the missing terminator legs). The back hoses at the top which connect to the hip piece were clipped off as they would need adjusting when the legs were posed, and the rear toe was trimmed down a little to allow the front ankle to rotate far enough to move the front leg forward. Next the blocks at the top of the legs were snipped off and glued into the hip piece, and then the tops of the legs glued to them, and glue added to the ankles. The legs were...
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