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Cain's Blood Angel blog.

by Cain Tiberius on Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:42 pm
I was going to test this out. But I might as well make a first post.
My Blood Angels thus far..

Chaplin Baleal


When I posted this on B&C, Some didn't believe I freehanded the banner... So, I painted another :D


I started by under coating with Chaos Black. then I dry brushed the lifted area with Shadow gray, followed by Fortress Gray. I then did a very light wash with Badab Black (which I didn't on the original) because...

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11 Comments Viewed 1070787 times

Eldar Blog 21st July 2013 Guardian test scheme.

by Cain Tiberius on Mon Jul 22, 2013 12:37 am
I collected eldar for a while many years ago in 3rd edition (I think). With the release of the new codex, I thought I'd start a new eldar force. The colours I've gone for are Bleached Bone (Ushabti Bone) and Hawk Turquoise (Sotek Green). As for style, I'm basing them more towards the Biel Tan.


Someone asked me to do a little tute on the bases so here it is.


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10 Comments Viewed 218362 times

EBay Wonder Buy Restoration Blog

by Galador on Thu Feb 09, 2012 8:53 pm
Ok, seeing as how everyone wanted to see the progress of my Ebay restoration, I figured I would try my hand at this Blogging thing and make one out of it. Lets start with the original photos:


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9 Comments Viewed 1109394 times

Russians in MidWar

by DaBoss on Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:36 pm
With my British Armoured Car Company finished except for the Typhoons for the Battlefront Euro-Tournament in September, its time to start on my next army for the Newbury Colours and Reading Warfare Tournaments.
Both these are running MidWar Tournaments and as I like the Eastern Front was a choice between Germans and Russians.
With the latest release of the KV-1e models by Zvezda, it had to be Russians, so Mixed Tankovy Batalon from the Eastern Front Book.

You have to take 3 Combat Platoons so I've gone for Red Army (Fearless Conscripts)
T-26 Tankovy Company (10) T-26S obr 1939 @205pts
Medium Tankovy Company (10) T-34 obr 1941 @605pts
Heavy Tankovy Company (6) KV-1e @620pts

This compulsory takes up 1430pts of the total 1750pts

So now some Corps Support (both of these are Fearless Trained):
Razvedki Platoon - 1 Command Rifle/MG, 6 Rifle/MG Teams and 4 captureed Sd Kfz 251 halftracks @160pts
Guards Rocket Mortar Battalion - 4 Katyushas, 1 Truck,...

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7 Comments Viewed 258766 times

MK1 Rhino Chasis Conversion Tutorial 9th July

by Cain Tiberius on Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:46 am
Hey folks.

A couple months ago I posted pics of my MK1 Rhino/Razorback conversion, and had calls to show how I made it. Well I suck at WiP or tutorials. But I am working on another and have taken alot more pics.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

First of all I have to say the way I made the Grills is different from the first time. But I was able to get them made in 1/4 of the time.

I noticed that the interior of the rear hatch to the Rhino kit has a nice Grill patern. So I used Greenstuff to make 4 positive molds of the patern. Its inportnant to try an keep the green stuff about 1mm thick. (Thicker will mean more work on the next stage as I found out)


Then I cut 4 pieces of plasticard to the shape of the grills including the surounding colars. (I first did it with paper till I got the desired size.) Then I did the same with the Green Stuff moldings...

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