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Battle Report: Chaos Fleet vs Imperial Fleet (850)

Permanent Linkby Baragash on Thu Apr 07, 2011 10:07 pm

So last night Red Devil and I played BFG, his first game, my third, but I haven't played for 12 years!

I played Chaos:
Styx Class Heavy Cruiser - Ld9
Hades Class Heavy Cruiser - Ld6
Carnage (1) Class Cruiser - Ld 7
Carnage (2) Class Cruiser - Ld8

Phil played Imperial:
Mars Class Battlecruiser - Ld8
Dictator Class Cruiser - Ld7
Lunar (1) Class Cruiser - Ld6
Lunar (2) Class Cruiser - Ld8

We played the basic Cruiser Clash (ignoring the upper points limit per model). We got lots of rules wrong, having both only skim-read them, but we had fun. This is just a brief overview of what happened as I didn't take detailed notes because it takes time to play a game you barely know ;)

Apologies for the picture quality as we were pushed for time.



Chaos Fleet:
(Front to back): Carnage (2), Carnage (1), Styx, Hades

Imperial Fleet:
(Front to back): Dictator, Lunar (2), Lunar (1), Mars

Game Turn 1

Both fleets close with each other:

Game Turn 2

The Chaos Fleet surges forward and throws everything at Lunar (1), turning it into a Burning Wreck, the Imperial Fleet retaliates by doing the same to Carnage (1), reducing it to a Drifting Wreck:

The Burning Wreck becomes a Drifting Wreck.

Game Turn 3

The Chaos Fleet almost destroys Lunar (2), taking it down to 1 damage point, the Imperial Fleet cripples Carnage (2) in return:

Game Turn 4

The Chaos Fleet finishes off Lunar (2) but the Imperial Fleet can only down the Styx's shields in return:

This was because when the Mars' bombers set out to take on the Styx, they attempted to traverse the blast markers from the shooting phase and he rolled quadruple 6...

...can you guess what roll causes bombers to die in blast markers? :D

Game Turn 5

The Chaos Fleet cripples the Dictator for no damage in return:

And then we had to call it as we ran out of time.


So I "won", because I had 2 ships and 1 crippled ship positioned to finish off the Dictator with my turn left, leaving me 2 vs 1 against the Mars, so barring some super rolling from the Nova Cannon, it was going to go my way.

Phil needs time to get to grips with the strengths and weaknesses of the two fleets, but we both enjoyed it so we'll give it a half dozen more games before hopefully including it in the campaign.

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