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Malifaux - Avatars

Permanent Linkby DaBoss on Sun Jan 15, 2012 10:37 am

I haven't got Twisting Fates book yet (was not going to bother), but on reading about the Avatars for each of the different Factions and seeing what the Pandora & Rasputina look like I had a bit of a compulsive purchase (nearly as bad as I have with Games Workshop)....

So I got both and have put them together - Pandora was a bit of effort as it came in 2 metal pieces and 5 resin which did not fit perfectly without a lot of shaping and cutting - but am now really happy with it.


I think Rasputina Avatar of Famine will be quite an easy one to paint, very much like what I did for the Ice Golem then flesh up Rasputina body.


Pandora will be a bit more effort but the contrast between the Tentacles and the Serpent trails will be interesting.
Love the Teenage Candy - will have to think how her clothes will look compared to her smaller self.

Finally, could not resist getting the old sculpt of Pandora opening her box (remember seeing this 5 years ago and thinking of buying it as a Daemonhost for the previous Daemonhunter codex).
Thinking of using it once she has managed to meet one of her Manifest Requirements.

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Re: Malifaux - Avatars

Permanent Linkby Ogregut on Wed Jan 18, 2012 12:38 am

They look really good. So are these what characters turn into?
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Re: Malifaux - Avatars

Permanent Linkby DaBoss on Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:22 am

Ogregut wrote:They look really good. So are these what characters turn into?

Yep, with the release of Twisting Fates a character Hamlin released a plague but instead of killing the Masters, it transformed their link to Malifaux magic. So if a master succeeds in two types of manifestations (different for each master) they can transform into these advanced forms.

There was a worry on the forums that this was going to be a 'GW Codex' creep, but most feedback is positive.

Going to be interesting to use them once I'm use to the rules.
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