So latest Tempus Fugitives took my Worldeaters with new Angron model to battle against the loyal forces of the Emperor.
Angron turned out to be a beast, but also found 20 man squads to be very effective.
Game 1 - Blood Angels - single planet strike
Defending my Indomitable Fortress against a horde of Blood Angel Assault marines with a couple of Custodians. Angron got into the fray - game over
Win for the Worldeaters 157 vp to 64 vp
Game 2 - Salamanders & RavenGuard - double planet strike
I was joined by a DeathGuard player from my faction.
The Salamanders were joined by some Mechanicum and launched a Teleport attack killing 19 of 20 Worldeater Devastators....
Then it all went sour for the Imperials as Angron and Typhus went on the rampage.
Win for the Warmaster Forces - 223 vp to 22 vp.
Game 3 - Dark Eldar - single heavy assault force 2500pts
Never faced Dark Eldar with the Worldeaters, had a terrible time with reserves with only Devastators and Angron on the table for 3 turns. This...
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