Hey folks.
I'll start by saying, I'm not hugely into historical modelling. I prefer Sci-Fi and at a push, Fantacy. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy watching war movies / series and documentaries. And I have built model aircraft both WW2 and more recent over the years. But as far as table top is concerned, it never interested me.
However... After having a couple demo games that I really enjoyed, and seeing the level of interest that Bolt Action is gaining at a local gaming store... I decided to get a bit of a small force. My favourite WW2 show has always been Band of Brothers. I don't know why, but it just clicks with me. So my first set has to be the Screaming Eagles.
The set is of 21 men and includes:
An Officer, Platoon Sergeant, Radio Operator and a Medic.
10 Parratroopers including 2 Sergeants. 1 with Thompson, the other with M1 Carbine. The othe 8 have M1 Garands.
2 man .30 Cal LMG team. 2 man Bazooka team. And a 60mm Mortar with 3 crew.
On to pictures. To be noted before anyone...
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