Played some games today with my little (well 25) bro - he's ex-GW, Space Crusade etc, so not like I'm playing a noob
Rules greyness
Pile 'o Bones - we thought the language is unclear here. Initially it seems reassembling = 1 action, but then it goes on to say that it counts as a model that has had an action played on it.
a) this is redundant repetition, only Dwarf Follow-Ons can be played on a model that has already acted
b) this limits the model to 1 action (of reassembling) regardless of how many points the token was worth
I opted for a), see Scenario 1.
Break-offs & Free Strikes - would have liked some clarity on whether a model can Free Strike against a model leaving from it's Rear Arc.
I opted for "yes" by RAW.
Scenario 1
3 Dwarf...
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